Monday, 23 July 2012

BACS: Bloomin' Awful Corporate Systems

Well! At the bottom of our relatively small chain the buyer of our buyer's house is moving to the UK from abroad and is being financed by his company, a large corporate organisation. We found out on Friday that they hadn't paid the deposit on Thursday, they'd paid the whole purchase price. By BACS! Three or possibly four days to wait until we knew the funds had definitely transferred. I even began to wonder if they might post-date the settlement date to be the completion date on Wednesday.

In the meantime, the thought of being stranded outside our old house surrounded by our belongings with no-one to move us forced us to commit to at least the deposit to book the removal company that we'd managed to find on Friday morning after about the fifth call around.

We spent a long weekend continuing to tidy up and sort out (mostly Ian) and tie up loose ends for work (me) in good faith that all would be well.

On Monday morning we had desperate calls and emails from our removal company for full commitment - and payment - so, by 9.30am, having not heard anything from the solicitors or estate agents we paid up the remaining £2000+ on the understanding that if it all went belly-up we'd lose it. Gulp. Well, at least we get 1% cashback on our credit card.

Finally, at around 12.30 we got the call we'd been hoping for. We have exchanged! At last.

Full steam ahead, then, for packing up tomorrow and moving on Wednesday. And we might even have decent weather for the it, too.

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